Price it, build it, support the community
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Price it, build it, support the community


2021 is well and truly underway, and the sunny weather is a welcome relief for us all!

Following a continuous stream of new enquiries so far this year, we’re pleased to say there are plenty of interesting projects on the horizon. Our continuous work on site, positive customer recommendations, longstanding reputation throughout the local industry and our growing online presence are all helping to make this happen.

We’ve submitted over 40 quotes since mid-February, to a sum of near £7.5m (averaging £3m a month over the last 12). These range from high-level budgets, right through to meticulously detailed formal tenders. Some exciting new mentions include works to an impressive pool house at Creek end, which involved lifting a pre-formed swimming pool liner into place, a challenging roof design and installation, the first phase of reconfigurations at a listed Cottage, and a major remodel-refurbishment project. It's also great to see plenty of further progress at all of our current live sites. We recently saw the official opening of the Parish Centre at St. Paul’s Church in Chichester, attended by the Duke and Duchess of Richmond and Chichester's Town Crier. While we maintain a great local reputation for traditional building methods, we are also seeing an increasing number of innovative schemes incorporating new, often ‘green’ construction methods and materials.

The last few months have also been an exciting time for our team! We’ve welcomed Harry Neal as a Site Manager, and Martin Gold F.C.I.O.B. / M.I.F.M.A. as Head of Acquisition and Project Delivery. Upon starting, Martin said “I hope that with over 30 years of experience in the construction industry, working on some of the most prestigious projects across the world, I can actively assist MSBC to meet future challenges and grow the business”.

We are excited to announce the first steps to the introduction of a new project management software that will allow our customers the ability to log in and receive real-time information and photos on their projects, with more news on this next month.

From May we began monthly support for two local charities: Options Chichester and the Bognor Regis Food Bank. Pregnancy Options Centre provides free, non-directive counselling and support to women and men facing unplanned pregnancy or struggling following a pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth or an abortion. Their client-led sessions provide a safe environment for women, partners and family members to talk about their thoughts and emotions surrounding their circumstances. They also work in local schools and youth settings, delivering educational sessions on healthy sex and relationships, sexual health and puberty, online safety and consent. Bognor Regis Food Bank is part of the Trussell Trust, providing three days’ nutritionally balanced emergency food and support to local people who are referred in crisis. The Trussell Trust supports communities and churches to open food banks across the UK, with 428 foodbanks across their network. In 2020/21, the network provided 2,537,198 supplies and support.

We are pleased to say that we’re also working in partnership with Chichester College to help develop and support the next generation gain the essential skills needed to drive the construction industry into the future. We are looking forward to welcoming our first T-Levels Design Surveying & Planning/Building Services Engineering student placement later this month.

We can’t wait for what the rest of 2021 brings, as always keep an eye out on our social media to see our latest projects.

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