Elmstead West
Elmstead West
Modern kitchen extension

Elmstead West

Elmstead West 8
Elmstead West 7
Elmstead West 3
Elmstead West 4
Elmstead West 9

Elmstead West: Modern kitchen extension

The owner of this very likeable listed building wished to create a new space for a modern kitchen. Citing an outdated kitchen-cum-scullery that was no longer fit for purpose, an extension offered a natural solution. During the design phase of the project a decision was made that the new building work would mark a clear break between old and modern style: the extension would be authentic to its time.

Work commenced in September 2008 and with it, unexpected responsibility. The house was, in fact, home to the great engineer Sir Henry Royce from Rolls Royce. He lived at the house from 1917 up until his death in 1933. A plaque has been erected by the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts’ Club and is a fantastic reminder of the heritage the property enjoys.

The design cleverly allows the full use of available height by using stainless steel rods which act as tie beams to support the roof. Along with their pragmatic function, they provide an interesting architectural detail. Other effective detailing includes the strategic placing of two facing windows on each wall that comes off the main house. Viewing the property from the front, the glass provides a clear and uninterrupted view highlighting the break between the old and the new building.

During the works it was decided to try to reveal the old external brickwork that would now form an internal wall. This proved to be painstaking restoration work but well worth the time and effort if the results are anything to go by.


"We awarded this contract to The Martin Sewell Building Company after a competitive tender. The substantial detail they provided of materials, labour and timetable gave us confidence in their competitive price. Work was delayed slightly waiting for a gas supply to be provided but then never missed a tick. In spite of building through the winter months, the project was finished on time and to budget. Along the way Martin solved tight energy constraints imposed by Building Control through sourcing the triple-glazed windows in Lithuania! They liaised effectively with planners and the architect and the company and its sub-contractors uniformly impressed us.”

Keith Martin

Trade Associations
