Happy New Year!
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Happy New Year!

As we look back at 2023 a lot has happened and 2024 is looking to be even busier!

It was great to have ended last year with another Sussex Heritage Award win this time for our works at Charlton Court. MSBC were brought in to restore, re-order and extend a large scale farmhouse within the curtilage of a magnificent Grade II listed barn, to read more click here.

We are pleased to announce we’ve secured the first phase of extensive works over the next 3 years to a substantial farmstead near Billingshurst. This will include the extension and renovation of 2 large listed buildings, 2 new build detached homes along with landscaping, pool and leisure complex and an entire overhaul of the services on the site, introducing off grid energy.

As usual we’ve been appointed to undertake various other historic projects this year. These include a substantial renovation of a listed townhouse underway in Arundel in collaboration with Fuller Associates. Also, a new two storey extension at Halnaker with Helyer Davis, and the rejuvenation of West Wittering Church for the PCC with Meynell Hayes Architects, see below an image of the day we started works to the spire!

We have also started the strip out of a 1960’s house this week ready for a complete renovation in Goring.

We continue to enjoy our strong relationships with the Cowdray and Goodwood Estates and the Sloane and Brown Partnership.  These relationships have led us to be involved in a variety of schemes planned for 2024 - talks are at early budget stages; assisting at planning stage with early budgets to help advise on cost and ensure the design is in line with budget before it enters planning. 

Now more than ever we understand the importance of collaboration, and this is what helps us ensure we’re built to weather challenging times. 

We are noticing that more people are seeing the value of working together as a team in partnered/open book negotiations (as opposed to bullish competitive tender process), this is becoming the route that many more of our contacts are taking with us which benefits all.

In 2023 we have, and in 2024 will continue to invest in, upskilling the team by way of various workshops and further learning including Lime Mortar by Duncan Berry, CITB Management courses, completion of CIOB Chartered Membership Programme and many more.

All this is in line with our company values of Honest, Supportive, Committed, Team… which helps us retain our Investors In People Gold accreditation for another 3 years! #makeworkbetter

We cannot look back at the last year and not mention Kevin’s retirement.  Part of our team for 24 years, he has been a valued member of the team and has worked on many of our sites over the years.  We wish him a long and happy retirement!

Going forward into 2024 with all these exciting prospects we are looking to expand our current team, both trade and management roles.  We are always eager to speak to individuals who feel their ethos, skills and values might align with ours. 

We cannot finish our round-up without a massive thank you to our team for all their commitment and passion without which we would not be able to ensure that we deliver on our promises to our customers.  Lastly, thank you to our customers who continue give us the opportunities to showcase what we love to do.

Working on these various projects makes for an exciting 2024 and we already look forward to recapping the year next December!

Trade Associations
