Countdown to Christmas!
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Countdown to Christmas!


It is client feedback time again and when we asked them to tell us what we did well and what would they say to their friends about MSBC these were some of the responses.

  • Fair, competent, courteous
  • Open and honest communication
  • Felt like a real partner
  • Adherence to building regulations and advice on the best way to modify initial assessments to conform to regulations
  • Quality, choice, transparency
  • Build quality
  • Communication
  • Thoroughness of Contracts Manager who took personal initiative as we were absent most of the time
  • Used you before and were very happy with the result
  • The team are very helpful and polite

Looking back to around 3 years ago when the whole team created a values cloud and it was instantly clear what was important to the team (the bigger the word the more frequently it was used by our team).

And also, both our external mission statement “The Martin Sewell Building Company is dedicated to providing the best service to our customers, to be fair and honest in all our dealings and to treat others as we would be treated ourselves” and our internal mission statement which is simply “with pride in the job we are building the best!”.  Reading the feedback forms it was amazing to see those values and the company ethos demonstrated so strongly by our amazing team.  Thank you team – keep up the wonderful work in 2019!

Congratulations to Mr & Mrs Mansergh whose name was drawn out to win a fabulous bottle of champagne.

2018 has been a busy year, it’s safe to say that our Estimating Department has never been busier, and our Contracts Team have been hard at work delivering the customer’s dream projects.

Some of our commercial projects included works for a private education establishment in Chichester, various WSCC schools, a local stud farm in Graffham, diocese works in Arundel and projects for various local parish councils and a Temple Spa the luxury skincare company based in Littlehampton.

Our residential contracts have ranged from small roof repairs to kitchen and bedroom refurbishments, high quality extensions, bespoke re-modelling/alterations.  With our team scattered across Sussex in Steyning, Selsey, Walberton, Arundel, Chichester, Chidham, Birdham and numerous other locations.

We are looking forward to 2019, to developing relationships with architects and delivering our message to construction professionals and clients that partnering is the way forward to give the client best value for money.

In February some of our team are visiting one of our sponsored charities – Living Waters in Tanzania.

We are also going for gold standard when our Investors In People audit takes place in June.  It’s a new standard that we believe really captures everything that the entire MSBC team believe in at The Martin Sewell Building Company.  A gold award would be an amazing achievement and help us to embed the values further into our everyday activities.

We will keep you updated on all our activities in due course but for now we would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas & a happy New Year from everyone at MSBC!


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