We Support Local Charities
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Pregnancy Options Centre

We believe it is important to be an active part of the community so we support local charities in their work, as well as supporting carefully considered and vetted charities that work in other parts of the world.

If you are interested in helping us to support any of these very worthwhile charities, then please do get in touch with us about how we could do this together.

Telephone: 01243 542056


Local Charities

Options Chichester

Since 2021 we have been supporting the Charity Pregnancy Options Centre.

Pregnancy Options Centre provides free, non-directive counselling and support to women and men facing unplanned pregnancy or struggling following a pregnancy loss, including miscarriage, stillbirth, ectopic pregnancy, therapeutic termination or an abortion. Their sessions are client led and provide a safe environment for women, partners and family members to talk about their thoughts and emotions surrounding their circumstances. Also working in local schools and youth settings, they deliver educational sessions on healthy sex and relationships, sexual health and puberty, online safety and consent. They currently support 13 schools and colleges across the district, giving young people tools to resist peer pressure, value their self-respect and gain confidence, helping them to build a firm foundation for adult life. These values impact positively on their health, wellbeing and safety enabling them to make considered, responsible and well-timed decisions.

Children on the Edge

In August 2024, we began support the Charity Children on the Edge.

Children on the Edge was started in 1990 in response to the Romanian Orphanage Crisis. Now they have worked with over 30 countries to support marginalised children by co-creating protective, nurturing environments in which they can safely live, play, learn and grow.

Stonepillow Challenge

Stonepillow Charity is one close to us in proximity and is an important resource in the community for tackling homelessness. It hosts 2 'Hubs' and 2 'Hostels' in both Chichester and Bognor Regis. These are places anyone can go to if they find themselves homeless as a first port of call, having their basic needs met and being supported in trying to get out of these circumstances.

We continually look to support individual local charities and initiatives and in the past have supported Lifecentre, Chestnut Tree House, The Sussex Snowdrop Trust, Positive Parenting, The Bognor Regis Food Bank, St James Centre, Birdham, Bognor Youth Food Club, Bognor Gardener Fundraising for Snowdrop and Richard Soan Roof Teenage Cancer Trust Day.

Call us now to discuss any project you may have.

Trade Associations
